The Golden Temple: A Dazzling Jewel in Kyoto’s Crown

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 Golden Temple Japan: Hello friends !! greetings !!. Hope all is well, in this we have collected a huge collection of Golden Temple of Japan, Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Golden Temple Japan.

Golden Temple aka Kinkaku-ji(Golden Pavilion), is a treasure trove of cultural and historical gems of Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. This iconic Zen temple has two floors shining with gold leaf which will mesmerize you

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Golden temple Kyoto stock photos Night View- Japan Golden Temple Night View

A History Steeped in Zen and Splendor

Originally this  Kinkaku-ji  ( in the recent golden temple) was built in 1397 by Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu after his death  Kinkaku-ji was converted into a Zen Temple. The temple architecture is a beautiful blend of rich Japanese traditions, in this temple, you can see each floor of this temple represents a different era and philosophy.

The first ground, with its hardwood partitions and tiled roof, reflects the Shinden-zukuri style of the Heian period. The second ground, decorated with gold leaf and showing sensitive lattice work, symbolizes the Bukkyo-zukuri fashion of the Kamakura length. The top floor, a Zen sanctuary covered entirely in gold leaf, once again reflects Shinden-zukuri fashion.

Why is Kinkakuji Temple famous?

its top two stories are covered in gold leaf


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